Swiss Rabies Center

As the National Reference Laboratory for Rabies, the Swiss Rabies Centre at the Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI) is responsible for laboratory diagnosis of rabies in humans and animals.

Our diagnostic services include both post-vaccination antibody testing and virus detection.

The Swiss Rabies Centre:

  • Checks vaccination success in humans (after pre- and post-exposure vaccination).
  • Carries out antibody tests on animals to determine post-vaccination titre levels, e.g., for travel abroad.
  • Supports the public health and veterinary authorities (federal and cantonal) in rabies detection and surveillance.
  • Offers advice for medical and veterinary professionals and public authorities.

Specific information for owners, veterinarians and doctors:


For questions in connection with traveling abroad, please refer to the following offices:

Opening hours and availability:

The Swiss Rabies Centre is open from Monday to Friday (working days). During laboratory work we are only intermittently contactable by phone, so please contact us preferably by e-mail.

Please note that under certain circumstances it may take 2 - 3 weeks from the time the sample arrives at the laboratory until the result is available.


General terms and conditions: AGB-IVI_ger.pdf (in German)
Legal Framework